A Late Return to Dialogue

Architecture is one part construction, one part expression. To have construction
alone, a building is born. To have expression alone, art is created. It is within the
marriage of both construction and expression that meaningful architecture can be

In my thesis investigation, I have found potent architecture to be born most easily
from the fruit of a place. Architecture, made from the history, the culture, and the
essence of a place has the most potential to carry a true meaning for its users and
occupants. To have a meaningful piece of architecture is to have a gem worth

My thesis project has taken the historical, and cultural understanding of the Air
Force Base at Plattsburgh, New York and compiled multiple forms of expression to
create a meaningful architecture for the future.
Neither form nor function can be imposed on a place. Both form and function must
be the product of what already is. Design that pulls from context will always have a
dialogue with its surroundings. My architecture aims to create a meaningful design
through expression and user dialogue; a marriage only achieved through research
and understanding.

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Walking the Brooklyn Bridge