Optimism is the secret to good timing.

Right now we are using our past thinking to reflect on current challenges. The TWoY think tank has spent the last year pushing on a new collective: SO & SO STUDIO. We have made many efforts to refine the core values of our design principles and rhetoric in order to apply our skills precisely on the target. 

Right now, we are looking back to the thesis work of Rion and his rAW approach to meaningful design. In his futuristic transportation terminal, Rion explored the (3 times) abandoned AFB at Plattsburgh, NY.

The images were realized through the nostalgic lens of of a Cold-War era traveler, looking towards the future (now). The architecture is brutal and empty. No commerce or rest, only a procession to the end destination; the world's largest man-made ecosystem. An encapsulated micro-reflection of the Adirondack Park all around it.

This forest is a place a refuge from urbanity. Intended to be used not only by the local population but the metropolitan person who has reached this destination by high-speed transport, from home in Manhattan or Montreal. 

The Base has been theoretically "bombed" by a Cold-War nuclear weapon (once stored here, really!). The result is a large crater with a radius equivalent to the length of the Brooklyn Bridge, 2000+'.  



Thinking about Corbu


Discover your own order.