As I continue to narrow down my thesis topic, the process of design is striking a note loudly within my architectural playlist. I am further becoming infatuated with the relevance of data analysis as we all move further into this age of information. Data is very much a large part of the everyday [American] life, whether one acknowledges it or not. We are all interacting with and communicating various forms of data from text messages to Google searches, GPS tracking systems and big brother monitoring are all being stored in databases waiting to be discovered as the new medium for creative exploration.

My New Challenge:  
How can I diagram the diagram as a strong design tool?

My first attempt takes a literal approach where the website ffffound.com was used to discover relevant/stimulating infographics that were applicable to my topic. I then simply made a bank of images that make an effort to diagram the diagram. Successful? Not so sure.

The second attempt  at expressing the power of the diagram looks at information from a slightly more abstracted vantage point. By showing the various ways in which one could define a space to a wide spectrum of people, I communicate to you [the designer] a common technique for explaining spatial qualities.




Ideas [of Simultaneity] Revisited Again and Again.