Program Thinking

program |ˈprōˌgram; -grəm| ( Brit. programme)
1 a planned series of future events, items, or performances : a weekly program of films | the program includes Dvorak's New World symphony.
a set of related measures, events, or activities with a particular long-term aim : the nuclear power program.
2 arrange according to a plan or schedule: we learn how to program our own lives consciously. New Oxford American Dictionary
In my building programming, the role of social engagement in architecture is brought to the front line of attention. In the ways that the firefighter is expected to serve the public’s safety needs, the architect should be expected to serve the emotional needs of his occupants. I believe that an architecture that introduces an element of art will always address the public desires to engage with the architecture either through views, operable elements, climate controls, and ergonomics.

¿Public Servant vs. Artist?

Project 04 : Programming


Things I can't Live Without...[continued]