Assignment Two : "Things I Can't Live Without"

1.     In my day to day activities, there is one thing that is inevitably present at all times; music. From the moment I wake up to the final conscious hours of the day, noise between thoughts plays like a constant melody that flows through me. One musician in particular lingers like benign growth nearly everyday for close to two years. I can't explain why John Lennon has become such an important figure in my daily life. 

Rolling Stone Magazine : John & Yoko, this image has significance to me in two ways. First, this photo was taken hours before the assassination of John Lennon. Second, the above image is intended as a symbol of human nature and the simplicity of the NEEDS of people compared to the DESIRES of a culture. 

In the above four images, I am interested in the quality of the space and the ways in which performance arts and architecture combine to stimulate emotion.

The above two images simply express the ways in which music has can affect the subconscious.

2.     Peeling back more layers of my normal activities, the importance of documentation has been revealed. More specifically, the value of a photograph [or newly video footage] ranks high within my necessity meter. I know I am capable of surviving without the specific technology of a camera, but I cannot however live without the tools to capture my observations, i.e. sketchbook, pens, pencils, cameras, paint brushes etc... 

     To me, these tools all fall under the same functional category. 

3.     After thoughtful consideration of my final "can't live without" necessity of life, I found solitude to be the most important part of my daily existence. Even though my social life is very active and I thoroughly enjoy engaging with each of my friends and family, having time to stop, breathe and reflect on my day has become a ritual.  

The above two images are a non-architecture; a familiar site growing up in the Adirondacks. These are symbols of solitude to me. 

Another representation of solitude.

More examples of solitude, now dealing with built space rather than nature.

Slightly provocative and very unpractical, this image made me rethink the relationship between artistic expression and practical thinking. 


Attempting to Break Apart My Ideas


so you say you want to create a thesis?