Attempting to Break Apart My Ideas

I am quickly discovering the importance of data driven ideas in all forms of design. The value of research as it applies to a specific culture or geographic location is pivotal in the success of any architecture, built or theorized. To bear consciousness to the intensities of the New England climate is also to understand the importance of public fountains as they relate to urban infrastructure and the civic obligations of the urban planner. As it is through such given amenities that the general public is entitled to enjoy a quality of life that is pertinent to all human beings. That no such space should be denied to any group or individual regardless of social class or social contribution. What the simple gesture of running water offers to a people is a psychological escape, from an unquantifiable number of stresses that are normalized by anatomically modern humans. 

In lieu of practical research that could help me to expand on my ideas, I have been referred to a website:, more importantly a specific TEDtalk in which Information Design is explained through various diagrams that simplify the complexity of data which exist within our age of information.

Ideas [of Simultaneity] Revisited Again and Again.


Assignment Two : "Things I Can't Live Without"